
Military-political symbiosis: son of Putin's press secretary under the patronage of Putin's cook

<strong>Military-political symbiosis: son of Putin's press secretary under the patronage of Putin's cook</strong>
Evgeny Prigozhin, in one of his interviews, claims that Dmitry Peskov’s son, who previously led the life of a playboy in Britain and did not demonstrate any eagerness to defend his homeland with weapons in his hands, allegedly served in the PMC “Wagner”. The legend about the service in the PMC may be necessary for Dmitry Peskov in order to introduce his son into Russian politics because now he has become banned from entering the US and EU countries. Especially against the background of the autumn elections. In this situation, Yevgeny Prigozhin receives the most bonuses: he has received a new influential ally, strengthened his position in the apparatus, besides, “Wagner” can be turned out to be a popular place of “service” for the Russian political elite. 

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