
Rosstat has published statistics for the 1st quarter of 2023: only the war keeps production

<strong>Rosstat has published statistics for the 1st quarter of 2023: only the war keeps production</strong>
The economy is growing, government officials say. Not specifying what exactly is growing. Based on Rosstat data, growth is shown only by areas related to the military-industrial complex, where production takes place at the expense of the state order. That is, it will be produced as long as the state pours money into it. Another point is that everything produced in such industries is not sold (many countries have refused to buy Russian weapons), but is sent to Ukraine, where, in fact, it is destroyed (for example, tanks, shells and cartridges). That is, there seems to be some production, but this will not have an effect on the economy. More precisely, it will be negative. After all, money is being spent on things but that could have been invested in real production and internal projects. And not in the products for destruction in Ukraine.

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